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My 2014: Life in Perspective

I promised myself this thing would go out at the dawn of the New Year, at January 1st, mere moments before December 31, 2014 ends. It never happened. I penned down an outline to fill in the space below a month ago but time crept up to me.

So without further ado, I’m now fulfilling that promise to myself to start blogging again after my failed exploration in late 2013.

To begin things, I’d like to sum the previous year in a few words: extreme polarity. You’ll know soon enough why though. And by beginning the year with a look from the previous year, I wish to detail everything from my perspective by backtracking the highlights of 2014. I wish very much to continue this tradition by next year and perhaps blog more often than before. Best of luck to me!

So please fasten the seat belts, it’s gonna be a randomly long ride.

First Quarter – 2014 At the Crossroads

In January of 2014, I sure was in a bit of a crossroad. I don’t want to foul mouth my previous employers. My experience with them has thought me a lot and further advanced my outsourcing career. I’ve made friends and had some fun too but even if I do write as a living there, it was barely enough to tell the world I’m proud. This is real writing here. My thoughts. It doesn’t pay yes but least to say very enjoyable. I always believe that when an opportunity closes, another one opens or perhaps a window for better things to come. I know it will come since I resigned this month. I’m still savoring that moment a year after. The way I have enumerated whatever reasons there is that I have for leaving, the way I have brushed my way to settle the unsettled and circumstances that have befallen me. So, so sweet.

As a token from those harsh times, this one's my Gravatar image.

I never regret a day afterward even if I was jobless until March but that doesn’t mean I stopped working my ass off. If only I was blogging a lot in 2013 I could have written about how I went from having a full time job into having another one in 2013 [another year I’m thankful for], a part-time just to make some ends meet. Well to cut it short, I was happy to leave. Very much that I still cherish my exploration into other things beyond the walled office. But that gamble too didn’t go quite well.

Apparently, going virtual must be planned which I lacked before plunging in. I can’t help it as I’m repulsed and already feeling the urgency to leave. I have some jobs online but the security of a real job is what I miss. So aside from never stopping working at home, I also never stopped applying for office positions I deemed are okay for my experience and or a needed career change.

I never realized I’m into outsourcing now. And that’s where to stay. Internalizing what happened, ever since I got off school, outsourcing put food on my plate!

Anyway, generally at this time of my life, everything went down. It’s just never the same. Perhaps I should have done more planning BUT I can’t continue working like the way I did before because there were so many problems with the way they’re handling things around.

: I could definitely say that the first quarter is a general low for me, My partner in crime, Ria Maghuyop has been with me through thick and thin and I appreciate it so much. But things are to become a little spiced up a bit next time. Exciting!

Second Quarter – 2014 Pepper, Streak, Power, Home

Reflecting back, my job-hunting had borne fruit. It wasn’t for nothing. And it’s the start of something Pepper-ish. Haha.

I’m still employed by them to this day, totally satisfied the way things are ran by management, HR and even my colleagues. I’m on night shift though which my girlfriend detests much to my chagrin as we’ve not properly communicated over this one before I got hired.

Aside from the perks of learning a lot of valuable new things on the job, I get to meet new people, friends, a new setting, basically a greater pay package [with all those benefits I’m only getting now which is one of my remarkable firsts this year] as well as first in an office setting night-shift work. Come to think of it, I’ve had lots of new experiences just because of my inclusion into the Pepper family who warmly welcomed me in their team and there’s really more firsts with this company later this year [2014].

That almost dying pose. 21-1. Heart. Broken. (Picture: Fox Sports)

Onto another topic, one of my childhood passion and hobbies: watching and playing wrestling entertainment. It’s just my best stress-reliever. One stressful thing though was to see Undertaker’s loss last April. With that coveted undefeated streak of 21-0 that nothing compares but now it’s tarnished. 21-1. I’m then still full of illusion that it’s going to last forever which isn’t true. Taker is getting old and no one’s immortal, not even Hulk Hogan, another favorite. The timing may be shocking then but after much analyzing, I believe it was what’s best for business. I’d rather see Taker resign in one piece still so he can enjoy all the fruits of his legendary career right after; one for the books really.

But at least this consolation of shocked faces from Paul Heyman and that man below @ellismbeh breaking social media last year. (Picture: Independent UK)

Moving on now during summer times again – one of the most annoying things happened during this period. Blackouts! Some planned [at the early onset] but luckily already had a schedule toward the resolution [though at times not really heavily followed]. Apparently, power shortage is not only prevalent in the entire Mindanao region but also in all of the Philippines. Looks like Maria Cristina Falls was drying up or I believe the other resources are at a high scarcity level. No matter what the explanation, it brought a lot of dissatisfaction especially toward our local electric provider in the city which is Davao Light. What’s depressing though is the after-thought of not being able to work at your desired hours even at the office or at home because there’s no electricity. Oh how fragile things are.

In my stay in Davao for 7 years and counting, never was there something as worse as the power shortages of summer 2014 that all I can do is swear and be sad. Luckily, Pepper got generators on standby and it was immediately resolved after Duterte pushed for more viable options so Davaoeños would never have to endure the same scenario this year [crossing my fingers as Summer is almost upon us in 2 months’ time].

The bargain though is a power plant somewhere south of the city that takes its power from non-renewable resources which is a wager against the environment. I dislike it too as perhaps there could be other ways to solve it without relying on coal like renewable energy sources such as the heat from the sun or force of the wind. Anything cleaner. I don’t want to see a second Yolanda or Ondoy over these parts because of what we’re doing with the environment. Sigh.

And before I wrap up the second quarter, it had also been memorable to see my family rebuilding again in Southern Leyte, my parents' native province. We had a triple celebration last May – blessing of our new home [bigger than our older one in Manila which was sadly sold – more on this later J], my father’s birthday [as we rarely celebrate it because he’s a seaman] and of course local festivities in the area. It’s May, that’s inevitable no matter where you are in the Philippines.

What’s sad though is that with another beginning [new home] comes the ending of another home [our former home in Manila where I grew up and was brought up] which was unfortunately sold. I wasn’t able to visit it. The thought of my personal belongings being transported or gone is still always at the back of my mind now. I chose Mindanao because I’ve grown accustomed to city life, urban way of living. And there’s someone here that I’m in love with, and grow a family with. Anyway, there’s the wonder of technology to meet up with them [unless the very rural setting is able to cope up with that] or if possible, see them personally at times of the year. I hope I was just able to visit for the last time, that it was still ours but I’m here down south making a life of my own. Wish granted for my independence but you can't have everything at once.

: Wrapping things up, this quarter is kind of a mix of frown and smile. But joyful times have trumped the sad ones, especially with the highlights of a new beginning at Pepper. I feel blessed.

Third Quarter – 2014 Surprise, Realizations, Achievements Unlocked

June, my favorite month. A bias brought about by me being born under the zodiacs that guide this month – Cancer and Gemini. I’m at the cusp of both which I’ve always celebrated. I always say those two whenever asked as I believe it give me much diversity. And what more of it that made it special is a looming surprise that had been in the making for months, care of my wonderful super beautiful girlfriend, Ria [much love sweet lady!].

The contrast looks better here than on FB. Credits: Ria Maghuyop

It’s my first time at Vikings [happy dance! Though that place is super fattening haha] and I must say I hate surprises really. As I wasn’t able to see through it. I’d rather create surprises of my own as I believe I’m good at them haha! Props to her best friend Jessline as well for helping her with this plan. My birthdays are always special because of you baby, I love you <3. I never really celebrate my birthday a lot after college as it’s just “gastos,” knowing the stingy me but you have always made an effort to up the game yearly. For that, I thank you.

But, as they say [I really like sayings for they have nuggets of wisdom in them], with all the good things come bad ones; always.

It’s July. Dreadful. Not really my kind of month. It’s just always passing for me on the way to Christmas. Nothing special really. Except that the struggle has been real on the other side of the fence. Not mine. I enjoy things around especially with a spanking new work that’s all going too well. But I had lots of realizations this month and the month that came after; all from her; the beloved.

For those who may not know me a lot, I’m super workaholic. I work even on weekends as I continued with my part-time job to fully support myself [financially] on my own, help out my parents in times of dire need, and enjoy the good things life has to offer with this very special someone who just made me the happiest man after an elaborate surprise last month. But I didn’t realize it was fading.

I may have worked too hard. Communication was naught. It’s like we’ve been on a standstill. For four years of understanding and love, it almost ended.

I may be at a mistake here as I work a LOT. I can’t even spend a minute being idle for as long as I’m conscious, my mind will never stop conjuring things, ideas, plans. ANYTHING. That’s my mistake. I have admitted that. I realize that life is not just about living, earning, spending, working. It’s also about the moments to cherish. But that extra spice; she may have not felt anymore.

I may look like an antagonist to you now but I didn’t understand the way she coped. With other people. Others. Circumstances that made the whole debacle, a painful ordeal. I may have had lost time but it’s for a good goal. My complain is that the coping should have been made with me. I stopped working. I was inefficient for weeks. I, for the first time, felt like I’m depressed. Angered. At a loss of words. Unable to write.

This is the first time I’m writing about it after months since it transpired. I still have issues over this. I can forgive but not easily forget. We’ve talked about it though but the trauma is never leaving away that easily. In exchange for my time, others have fulfilled it for me. It was a downer. Because of this, I’ve grown overly vigilant. Protective. Assuring.

If only I could free up my time to harass someone [those others haha but that didn’t escalate to that much though fortunately]. If only I could reverse time and return to when I was still choosing which shift I’m to be put under. Again, it was lack of communication and understanding plus lack of time that became the perfect recipe for disaster.

Team Darla in GenSan care of our wonderful host chekwa Nana Lim! hahaha
Photo credits: Tonchi Nanini and Thessa Basilio

Fortunately, I've had some relief in a form of another first: travel to GenSan with good college barkada! Seeing new places and being able to hang around with these people makes all worries go away. I hope we can do it sometime this year again, somewhere else too and I hope we'll be complete!
There's a pic of us below right above Taal's mouth! 

On to another topic which is another travel, apparently alongside this is that healing wounds may be slow but it’s working. Apparently, it began way earlier. I interpret things differently, the way any man would. Her, like a normal woman. But it’s our differences that in the first place, spiced up this relationship from the very beginning. I missed that. August gave that. We’re travelling. She didn’t know I know. And I’m fuming. With emotions. We didn’t have much time then except after that much needed di-stressing travel back to my roots. Manila. For 5 days. I love every bit of that, including the reconciliation.

Back in the story, that precious thing which almost got away is slowly returning to its right shore. And we’re also enjoying alongside other good old and new friends. I love this trip as it’s my first time going back without ever asking for money from other people such as relatives and my parents in particular. Not a single cent and I’m loving it. As for me and her, it’s a continuing story up to now which I always cherish. Changes are yet to come and I look forward to them though it may still need lots of contemplating.

With EBAK and Extension plus some good old High School friends in QC! 

I met my old high school barkada again and have had a mini-reunion with several other batch mates. I have not seen them in 2 years. [I wanna be back soon! And may actually be back later this year!] Super fun times ahead as well plus it’s my first time in Tagaytay! Trekking that whole thing up on foot. Under extreme heat from the sun as we’re blessed that even if it’s typhoon season, not an ounce of rain poured down on our team in the duration of our stay at the capital and beyond. We only got a delayed flight due to torrential rains on the day of our departure but nonetheless, a great trip and can’t wait to come back. :) It's my first time in StarCity too! (Such irony when I'm already this far south that I only got to visit it then. Shame)

: Apparently, despite the many first time achievements unlocked, sorrow has completely overwhelmed me during this quarter last year. Downer.

Fourth Quarter – 2014 My Turn, Lost, Ending, Bliss

Healing. That’s perhaps what I taught myself over the coming months. The tragedy that almost happened in the past months had been averted. And as I heal and be back to my overzealous self again, I prepared for strings of surprise to match what Ria did earlier for my birthday and since it’s also our anniversary that almost never happened, aside from her birthday, it is, in itself a bigger celebration.

I plan a lot. There never was a day I wasn’t planning on different things be it at work or personal life. I won’t work as efficient as I am in both areas without plans. I’m that kind of person. So I believe this would be an easy task. I was planning for this even as early as June but the downer July and August months almost stopped me to a halt. ALMOST. Anyway, it all boiled down to four things: a new phone she really likes, a video of appreciation and love, homemade customized brownies, and for the first time in 4 years – a bouquet of flowers. I’m feeling proud of myself then for accomplishing all these. LOLS.

A surprise she cried for. Sorry! Haha. 
Credits to her friend Queenie from HR for this stolen photo

The phone came first days before the 25th but everything else at various times of the big day. The brownies came early morning with my special delivery before she went at the office, and flowers + cake personally delivered to her in freaking Bunawan. That’s how much I wanted to surprise her. It all went through perfectly. I was even there in her birthday celebration with friends even if I’m on night shift. She works normal hours so her celebration is naturally after work. So imagine my loss of words yet again when the same phone at her possession was stolen in less than 1 month after she got hold of it. BUMMER!

And it happened at where I currently reside. In peaceful, almost crime-free Davao. Stolen at the middle of the night, just grabbed from the window conveniently. If only I was more cautious protecting that precious, precious phone. I had it blottered but we never got it back and I haven't heard even a single news about it. Right then after, that freaking window is never left opened when no one’s around inside.

Sad and speechless. :( 

Moving forward, November came, in an almost jubilant mood from the surprise then roller-coastering again into sad news. The end of serialization for one of my most favorite things in the world, in particular, a manga [Japanese comics] called Naruto. Millions may have been saddened by this news as he has fans across the world, die hard ones including myself. I felt sad. I follow many other serials on weekly or monthly basis but this one is part of a revered three with One Piece and Bleach. And with Naruto missing, the missing gap is a hard hole to cover. I will always feel incomplete weekly. The ending felt so rush for me. The zenith was achieved in chapter 700 though I believe there are still many loopholes the respected author Masashi Kishimoto-sensei could have exploited. Luckily though he has other mini-projects coming this year which I’d still be looking very much forward to as a great equalizer for this abrupt end.

And finally the month that just concluded, December which I was very excited about. Aside from the many holidays off which I could use for personal time, there’s also party, bonus, and much food!
Party the Pepper way. Our previous outings had been very superb and I could say that they’re really good at it. And never was there a disappointment.

Go Team Kulafu #NighShift! Credits: Pepper Family [Christmas Party]

We’ve had a décor contest and though we didn’t win, at least our team presentation did! For that, we ate at a breakfast buffet delight at Mandarin Hotel [not my first time here but first time at their morning buffet]. But something embarrassing really happened at the real party before this one. For the first time, I got drunk and passed out! I never get overly drunk over drinks. I may have over-drank before while I was still experimenting but never have I passed out. That’s what the heck happened at the party. And apparently, I may now not have the face to show at the Apo Hotel after I soiled a lot of their kitchen ware. With puke hahaha! And as another negative consequence: I got one of my front tooth chipped by something I don't know as those nights were fuzzy in my memory. Perhaps blunt force or something really hard [like a wooden table] as it still aches to this day. I still have to find time to have this checked up but nonetheless I was just overjoyed since aside from all the team winnings and much overflowing liquor, I was really overjoyed by winning lots of unexpected prizes. One was a surprise bonus from our Manila bosses that came so unexpectedly then best dressed [not expecting this one again]. Got my gifts too [plural since I got more than one care of our ever dependable seniors] and I also got another bonus from part-time. Good grief!

And last but not the least, to be able to spend the last day of the year with a beloved one though not at one of my most favorite itineraries [beach] but the sights and scenery plus her presence is more than enough of a compensation haha.

At Secdea Beach Resort with le love Ria! <3 

: AND SO THAT’S IT! My 2014 was a blast but also a roller coaster ride. But what’s life without any spice eh? Finally, I’m done with my recount so I’m all set to blog more for 2015 hopefully and crossing my fingers! I have lots of plans for the year and I can’t wait to unload everything important here.

